New Projects Dedicated to Building Bikeways to be Completed in 2025
Salt Lake City is currently in the design phase for two different projects dedicated solely to building new protected bikeways! These projects have the goal of filling gaps in the bike network and can focus their efforts on safety and bikeway design, unlike street reconstructions where the bikeway is just a component of the project. This also means the project will be completed quicker, not having the challenges of a full street reconstruction or dealing with utilities. However, the project scopes are then limited, as they will be built within the existing roadway. Another notable element of this project is that UDOT is cooperating with the city to make this happen (and shout out to the city’s transportation planners and engineers for convincing UDOT to return some street space to people!)
400 South Viaduct Trail
The 400 South Viaduct Trail will build a new protected two-way bikeway from 900 West to 200 West on the south side of the street. The goal is to add an east/west connection and avoid railroad crossings. At 900 West, there is added intersection protection and the path starts to the east fully separated from the street. As the path approaches the viaduct, it transitions to on street with barrier protection and includes an art installation (inspired by local peafowl!) Notably, the current design lacks any shade structure. After the viaduct and into downtown, the path continues with curb separation and intersection protection, and it connects to the existing protected bike lanes on 200 West.
300 West Bikeway
The 300 West Bikeway is built in a similar fashion to 400 South with a two-way bikeway on the west side of the street which continues the recently completed path on 300 West from 900 South and extends it up to 300 South to connect with the protected bike lanes there and Pioneer Park (Farmer’s Market here I come!) The curbs are said to be concrete approximately 2 feet wide, providing a similar level of protection to 300 South.
View the Design and Comment
Overall, the designs are looking quite good! Some components we’ve asked about are bike parking, scooter parking, touchless bike crossing buttons, and adaptability for future Greenbike stations or bus stops. The first three could use your comments if you’d like the project teams to make them happen. As for future Greenbike and bus stops (new Route 203 in 2027, North Temple to Central Point via 300 W), the project team said the current design can be retrofitted to accommodate new bus stops or Greenbike stations.
The 400 South trail will include reflective film that illuminates from car and bike headlights.