How you can help Sweet Streets build better spaces.
Sweet Streets was formed out of a design to build people-first public spaces. We’re driven by a collective desire to protect the most vulnerable in our community by prioritizing them first in our rights of way.
We were founded in March 2020, and had plans for a “big tent” opening meeting where allies and advocates could exchange ideas and organize behind an entity that is dedicated to fighting for safer streets, connected routes and all-around better public places.
While that first meeting was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a core group has continued to educate, advocate and generally fight for our shared values throughout this year.
There are so many important projects in the works at the city level, and the importance of organizing behind this cause has never been greater.
We’re planning to hold these big tent meetings online, where anyone can join to exchange ideas for our great city. Join our email list for updates on future Sweet Streets meetings as well as action alerts and other updates.
In the meantime, send us an email to get in touch, and follow us on Twitter @SweetStreetsSLC and Facebook. Share our information with friends, family and neighbors. We can all make a huge impact on our public spaces even while we keep each other safe by staying home.