Sweet Streets Goals for 2025

The Sweet Streets Board has set several goals for the year to continue growing and connecting the Sweet Streets community. Our top priority right now is to work on our organization so that it’s easier for you all to contribute to making a difference! Here are 6 of our goals for 2025:

  1. Provide more ways for our community to get involved by starting committees. Our voice is stronger when we’re organized and we can do more by spreading out the work! We’ve already started with the events committee, stay tuned for more in the near-future.

  2. Expand our board from the current 6 board members up to 8 by year end, and enrich board representation (demographics, parts of the city, background/perspective, etc.)

  3. Meet with at least a dozen different elected/appointed officials to talk about making our streets sweeter. This can range from state policymakers to city councilmembers to transportation planners.

  4. Publish our 2025 election resource for 2025 local elections in SLC. You can see our 2023 guide here.

  5. Revise and prioritize Sweet Streets Campaigns to focus on building the Sweet Streets community and connection with Salt Lake.

  6. Distribute our 20 is Plenty yard signs and refresh our marketing materials so you can rep your support for sweeter streets (new shirts and stickers, anyone?)

You can still find a few signs up throughout SLC even after the campaign met its goal! Request one by contacting us to show continued support for slower speeds.


The Green Loop Project Gets Better Direction


Sweet Streets Capital Improvement Program Applications