Form-Based Code, Part 4: Administration & Definitions
This is the fourth and last installment of the Form-Based Code. In part 3, we presented how a Form-Based code creates a building standard that will direct the future development of any particular location in our community. This month, we will talk about its superior permitting process and how it organically improves affordability through the emergence of self-organization.
Source: Utile Design
According to the Form-Based Code Institute, the greatest advantage of Form-Based codes rests in its ability to provide clear guidance for better design outcomes with predictable, fair, and timely review processes. This advantage is achieved by developing clear and objective design standards in place of the complicated use and density regulations that snarl property owners today. Therefore, form-based codes can cut through restrictive regulations and complicated approval processes that limit housing supply and unnecessarily increase housing costs.
Source: The City of Dexter, Michigan
The heavy lifting is done prior to any person requesting a building permit. The land use authority is charged with the creation of clear design standards that codifies all the possible “massing” combinations allowable in relation to the parcel’s transect location, adjacent public standards, and building standards that govern that particular location. It is this “massing” standard, or building “form”, that lends the name to a form-based code.
Lastly, to avoid confusion and clearly delineate the intent of the code and proactively answer most questions, a comprehensive glossary of terms used throughout the code is developed and shared with anyone seeking information about potentially developing any land governed by the code.
In conclusion, form-based codes intend to provide a holistic plan with to meet the community’s expectations for growth as a city matures through a step-by-step process:
1. REGULATING PLAN: establishes the transect (density zones) throughout the city in order to define its sense of place.
2. PUBLIC STANDARDS: establishes the expectations for every possible street, green & open spaces, and parks.
3. BUILDING STANDARDS: establishes the building types and orientations that will lend individual character to each neighborhood
4. ADMINISTRATION & DEFINITIONS: eases the permitting process by codifying the allowable massing of buildings to deliver predictable, fair, timely, and affordable housing as well as defining all the terms used throughout the code.
Sweet Streets champions the concept of form-based codes because its implementation relies on “residents’ priorities, expertise, concerns, and aspirations; inviting existing residents - regardless of who they are,'' to piece together the building code that will shape the physical aspects of their community. We believe this to be an essential recipe for Sweet Streets!