Keep the bollards coming, SLC!
If you’ve been out and about on some of our newly constructed streets, you may have noticed some additions. Bollards are vertical delineators that are used to prevent access to restricted spaces, like bike lanes and sidewalks, while maintaining visibility. There are a variety of these devices from plastic flexible posts that guide but not restrict drivers, to concrete or metal posts that offer physical protection for people walking and biking. You may have seen these before on busy downtown streets or in parking lots to prevent cars from crashing into store fronts (this is unfortunately a regular occurrence). We love to see the city installing more bollards, as they can be a great tool to physically block drivers from entering or blocking a bike lane or sidewalk. If you walk and bike around town a lot, you’ll notice quickly that parking enforcement cannot keep up with drivers who put their convenience over your safety. Designing roads to physically prevent unsafe behavior is the best way forward.
We’ll also note that the areas where bollards were placed have been influenced by people like you and me reporting problems with parking and poor visibility. Additionally, make note of deficiencies as you use some of our recently constructed streets. For example, a portion of the 9-Line between State and 200 East was not constructed properly, resulting in standing water that persists for days. That has now become ice! We reported this and it appears something is being done to address it. It’s easy to report things, just go to!
Top-left: plastic flex posts were installed on 200 South where drivers illegally parked. Though the pictured driver still found a gap to endanger bikers. Top-right: removable concrete bollards were installed by a crosswalk on the City Creek canyon shared use path. Bottom-right: concrete bollards installed at 300 West and 900 South to prevent parking on the sidewalk. Bottom-left: large flexible bollards at State St and 900 South to prevent overparking. Also notice the standing water, these have now been marked to be remedied. Image: Sweet Streets